Monday, May 2, 2011

Contest Thing :)

One of my most favoritest authors, Maggie Stiefvater, is having a contest in which bloggers must put up links to various things to enter. So, as you've probably figured out, I am now entering aforementioned contest:
 Book Trailer for her next book, Forever
Buy the book here
Read all her other books also! The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series FTW.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Book #11: Jane Eyre

By Charlotte Bronte. Again, this is a book I read for school. Which sort of feels like cheating, but when I take into account that I read it over the course of two days, it seems like a much more significant read. I love this book a great deal, and it being my second time reading the dang thing, I understood it much better this time. There's something amazing about old-fashioned writing that grabs my attention and whisks me away into the story. I get to make a soundtrack for this book for school, and I'm ridiculously excited. Which is, of course, incredibly nerdy. I got hooked on Sarah McLachlan's music this fall, and the novel seems to mirror lots of themes in her music-- or is it vice-versa?

Book #10: Beautiful Creatures

By Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Mmmm. This book was made up of amazing, delicious words put together in just the right way. Hauntingly southern and entrancingly mysterious, Beautiful Creatures was one of those captivating books that made me unable to be able to convince myself to turn off my light at a reasonable hour. Okay, that happens to me fairly often, but still, the book was amazing. Go forth and read it, for goodness sakes!

Book #9: The Secret of Rover

By Rachel Wildavsky. I read this book about 3 weeks ago, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot was quite unique-- to say the least--and the sibling relationships were well developed and incredibly realistic. Bonuses: Hermits that live on mountains, traveling in the backs of trucks, and much much more!

Goodness Gracious

It was a long time ago I last posted on this blog and i miss it. I'm back now, and I'll be posting about book's I've read over the last month or so over the next few days :D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Feel of Book Covers

Do you know what I mean? No, of course you don't I haven't explained it yet. You know those books that aren't glossy and have a sort of a matte finish? Those are the best, especially the paperbacks. The paperbacks have this lovely, almost soft feel to them, mmm :) I find paperbacks that are glossy to be cheap looking and advance-reader's-copy-y. Not that I want to hate on them, I just happen to love the matte ones. The way a new book feels is amazing, a whole new world to discover and make your own is just waiting between the two covers of the book. Especially library books, they look so loved, and you start them knowing that many people have read and enjoyed the book before you!
That is all for today's ramble :D

Book #8: The Things a Brother Knows

by Dana Reinhardt (yes, again!). No, I did not read another book in 3 minutes, I happen to be very behind on posts. Read on:  This story was so touching and deep, and yet it managed to be absolutely hilarious at the same time! And unpredictable. It's one of those book you go into suspecting that the book is going to end in a certain overused way, but then you realize that it hasn't and won't! Yay! I love it when authors surprise me.